19 August 2011

Would you like it to snow everyday?

We answered this question for our writing.  Here are some of our ideas.
I love the snow!  Tomorrow I want to make a snowman because I have never made one before.  On Monday, I wanted school to be open so I could play snow fights with my friends, but it wasn't.  I didn't like that.  In my opinion, it should snow every single day because I have always wanted to make a snowman.  I hope it snows again.  I love snow!
By Anna.

I made a ball from the snow.  I had a ball in my hand and I chased Destiny around the house.  I threw the ball at Destiny.  I want it to snow because I can make snow angels in the snow.  The snow's beautiful.
By Misty.

In the weekend, it was snowing.  I made a snowman.  The body melted, so I got the head and put it on the freezer.  It had daisy eyes, a carrot nose and a liquorice mouth.  I really wanted to eat it.  But, I absolutely hate snow.  It's cold and it went through the hole in my wall.  Then I got cold feet because it melted and made a watery puddle.  I solved my problem by getting up.
By Fritha.

It's snowing!  It's snowing!  It's snow, snow, snowing!  I was tasting it.  It tasted like ice.  I love the snow.  Yesterday we went outside to play on the trampoline.  We slipped and slid.  It was fun.  I went on the slide with Logan.  It had ice on it.  In my opinion, I want it to snow every day because we can do snow fights.  I love the snow because its never snowed in Halcombe before.  Aaahhh! 
By Georgia.

I made a snowman.  My big brother threw it at my dog.  I made a snow angel in the snow.  In my opinion, I want it to snow every day because it's cool having snow fights and making snow angels.
By Aaliyah.


  1. I'd love it to snow every day.

  2. I love your stories.

  3. I love snow. Do you?

  4. I like your story Fritha.

  5. Your writing is amazing.

  6. Cool writing Aaliyah.


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